483+ Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With S

The most amazing gift for a parents is to have a child. This is the best feeling for anyone.

And every parents wants to have this feeling.

But when the baby is born, the most difficult task will be to give a Modern and unique name to their child.

Now Some people choose the name before the birth of the child.

To choosing a Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With S, i’m writing this article.

By the help of this article you can find unique Sikh boy names with s letter. I Also add some Sikh names from s from Gurbani.

Which most suitable for your child.

If you’re finding Sikh baby boy names unique and modern then scroll down this page and select the Cute Sikh baby boy names starting with s.

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With S

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With SA

SabarNectar; Distinguished
SabhajitThe essence of Love; Favour; Fortune of Love of God
SabjeetThe essence of Love; Favor; Fortune of Love of God
SabooreeWinner of every thing
SabrinapreetOne having all treasure; Contented
SachbhagatLove for patience
SachdeepLight of truth
SachdevA true devotee of God; Light of truth
SachdhianLight of truth
SachgianA truly godly person; Rainbow; Absorbed in the true one
SachjogAbsorbed in the true one
SachkeeratOne with the knowledge of the truth; Lord Brahma
SachmanSinging the praises of God; Union with the true one
SachpalOne absorbed in truth
SachpradhanThe one absorbed in truth, In God
SachpreetProtector of truth; True at heart
SachpremOne in whom truth is predominant
SachroopLord Indra; Love for the truth
SachsevThe real Love; The Love of God
SachsevakLove for the truth
SachtekServant of truth
SachuttamOne who attains true peace
SachveerOne who attains true peace; Taking the support of the truth
SadanaamFriend; Bravely upholding the truth; True and the best one
SadeepakBravely upholding the truth; Achiever
SadhnahEternal Lord
SadhpreetEverlasting true name
SadhuEternal lamp; Flame
SadipakBravely upholding the truth; Achiever
SadsukhLoving devotion
SagaljeetSaintly person
SagaljotEternal lamp; Flame
SagalpreetImmortal life
SagarSea; Ocean
SahibMaster; Gentleman; Companion
SahildeepVictory for all
SahilijeetLight for all
SahilmeetLove for all
SahilpreetDew; Ocean; Sea
SaihajCoastal victory
SaihajadharFriendly coast
SaihajanandDawn; Daybreak
SaihajdeepPeaceful and equipoised person
SaihajdharamOne founded in peace and bliss
SaihajdhiaanImbued in nectar and equipoise
SaihajdhunOne with blissful tranquillity
SaihajleenThe religion of peace and bliss; Lamp of peace and bliss
SaihajnivaasPeacefully absorbed in Naam
SaihajpreetOne who hears the celestial music
SaihajramanDivine knowledge attained naturally
SaihajvicharNaturally loving person
SaileshdeepCherishing peace and tranquillity
SajinderOne in equipoise and tranquillity
SajivLively; Alive
SajjanBeloved; Good man; Noble; Respectable; Guard; From a good family
SajjraEternal Lord
SamarajitNew; Fresh
SamarbirHero of battle; Trust; Companion
SamardeepReside; Pervade
SamargeetLord Vishnu; Songs of war
SamarjeetWinner of the battle; Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu; One who has conquered lust
SamarjitWinner of the battle; Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu; One who has conquered lust
SamarjotLamp of war
SamarpalSongs of war
SamarpreetGod of war
SamarvirHero of battle; Trust; Companion
SamdeepVictorious in war; Lord Vishnu
SamindipLight of war
SamprasBlessed; Power; Peace; Calm
SampuranLove for war; Fostered in war
SamranHero of battle; Lamp of equality
SamreetFighter of love and truth
SamsherComplete; Perfection
SanantanBrave lion
SandeepA lighted lamp; Brilliant; Ablaze
SangatjeetGoddess Laxmi; Victory of good company
SangatpreetA lighted lamp; Always there for you
SangatpremA lamp
SangatrasThe victory of good company
SangatroopLove for good company
SangjaapMusical, Music
SanjeetWho is always victorious; Winner from 4 directions; Perfectly victorious
SanjitWho is always victorious; Winner from 4 directions; Perfectly victorious
SanmeetSymmetry; Harmony
SanpreetHappy friend
SansarpreetAbiding by the Guru’s word
SantbirWarrior of peace
SantjeetSaint; Holy person; Tranquility
SantjotHeroic holy one
SantkirinVictory for saints
SantnaamDivine light
SantokhRay of holy light; Saint’s name
SantokhbirPeaceful; Patient; Satisfaction; Contentment
SantokhdeepContented; Peaceful and patient
SantokhjitBrave and contented
SantokhjotLamp of satisfaction
SantokhpalVictory of satisfaction
SantokhpreetLight of contentment
SantprakashPreserver of satisfaction
SantpreetLove for peace; Loving contentment
SantpremSaints Love
SanvirStrong; Brave
SanyasiMeditation in congregation
SapandeepPerfectly illuminating lamp
SarabdamanPerfectly illuminating lamp
SarabdayalDestroyer of all
SarabdeepAll pervading light; Lamp that gives view to all
SarabdevGod of Gods; Omnipresent; All pervading God
SarabdharamOne who always acts rightly
SarabdheerOne who is always patient
SarabdhiaanContemplation of all
SarabgiaanOmniscient; All-knowing
SarabjotAll-pervading light
SarabmeharKindness for all
SarabnamThe always present name of God
SarabnidhanOne who has all treasures
SarabnivasPervading in all
SarabprakashOne giving light to all
SarabpreetOne who loves all
SarabpremOne who loves all
SarabrajGreat kingdom
SarabroopEmbodiment of all
SarabsarangCompletely colorful and musical
SarabshaantFully satisfied and peaceful
SarabuttamBest of all
SaralbirBrave and simple
SaraljeetVictory of simplicity
SaralpreetLove for simplicity
SarandayalKind protection
SarandeepProtected lamp
SaranjeetOne who attains the guru’s shelter; Refuge of the victor; Protected
SaranjotProtection by light
SaranpreetLove for protection
SarbjeetAll victorious
SarblohEntirely iron
SardarChief; Noble Man
SardaraHead; Chief
SarminderGod of war
SarnagatRefuge; Shelter
SaroopBeautiful; Shapely
SarpreetFavour or fortune of Love of God; Reservoir of Love; Mysterious secrets of Love; Essence of Love
SarpritFavour or fortune of Love of God; Reservoir of Love; Mysterious secrets of Love; Essence of Love
SarvanWorthy; Affectionate; Generous
SarvottamThe best
SatamritTrue immortalising nectar
SatbachanThe one abiding by the holy word
SatbirThe true warrior
SatchetTells the truth
SatgunOf true merits
SatinderThe king of truth
SatinderjeetVictory for the God of truth
SatinderpalProtection of the true; God of heaven
SatindraLord Vishnu; Lord of truth
SatjeevanThe one living the truthful life
SatjitConqueror of hundreds; True victory
SatjotLight of truth
SatkaramOf true deeds
SatkeeratOne who praises the true one; Truthful service
SatkiranRay of truth
SatkiratOne who praises the true one; Truthful service
SatkirtanSinging truth
SatmandirTemple of truth
SatmeetTrue friend
SatminderTemple of the true God of heaven
SatmohinderTrue Lord
SatmooratAn embodiment of truth and beauty
SatmukhGodly face
SatnadarA gracious glance of the true one
SatnamOne accepting God being as true
SatniranjanTrue and immaculate one
SatparvanThe one accepted by God
SatpaulThe one who abides by the truth
SatprakashLight of truth
SatpreetThe lover of the truth
SatpremTrue Love
SatrajDominion of truth
SatrujeetVictory over enemies
SatsangatGood company
SatsantokhTrue content
SatsarangTruly colourful and musical
SatsaroopAn embodiment of truth and beauty
SatvantRight; Faithful; Pious; Sacred
SatveerLord Vishnu; Champion of truth
SatvichaarOne who reflects on truth
SatvinderTrue God of heaven; Lord of virtue
SatvirThe true warrior
SatwantRight; Faithful; Pious; Sacred
SatwinderTrue God of heaven; Lord of virtue
SatyabirSomeone who gets the victory with truth, Truthful
SatyajeetOne who conquers the truth; Victory of truth
SatyajitOne who conquers the truth; Victory of truth
SatyapalRuler of truth
SatyapreetTrue Love
SatyapremTrue Love
SatyenderOne who follows the truth
SavitinderThe Sun
SavitojThe splendour of the Sun
SavrajSelf-rule; Independence
SawanpreetLove for the rainy season
SawarajbirBrave who likes own rule
SawarajdeepLight of self-rule
SawarajpalProtector of own rule
SawarajpreetLove for own rule
SawarandeepGolden lamp
SawaranjeetGold winner
SawaranjotGolden light
SawaranpreetGolden Love
SawinderLucky; Beautiful God

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With Se

SeemantMargin; Limit; Light
SeetalbirPeaceful and brave
SeetaldeepLamp of peace
SeetaljitPeaceful victory
SeetaljotPeaceful light
SeetalpreetOne who loves peace
SehejbirEffortlessly heroic
SetalHaving peace; Cool; Gentle; The wind; The Moon
SevaapreetOne who loves to serve
SewakaranDoing service
SewakpreetOne who loves the service of God
SewakpremOne who loves the service of God

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With Sh

ShaanPride; Peaceful
Shabad DeepLamp; Light of the holy word
ShabadchetRemembering the Guru’s word
ShabaddeepLamp; Light of the holy word
ShabadgiaanKnowledge of the Guru’s word
ShabadjogUnion with the holy word
ShabadleenAbsorbed in the holy word
ShabadprakashRadiating the light of the holy word
ShabadpreetLove of the holy world
ShabadramanOne who delights in the holy word
ShabadrangImbued by the holy word
ShabadrasEnjoying elixir of the holy word
ShabadratanHaving the gem of the holy word
ShabadsuratUnion with the Guru’s word
ShabadtekSupport of the holy word
ShabarLord Shiva; Water; The vital element for life; Name of Shiva
ShailinderLord of the mountains
ShaktiparwahPower of supreme wonder
ShaminderpalGentle preserver
ShamsherThe sword of honors; The leader Lion of the herd
ShantbirWarrior of peace
ShantchitOne whose inner self is at peace
ShantdeepLamp of peace
ShantleenAbsorbed in peace
ShantnivasOne whose abode is peace
ShantprakashLight of peace
ShantpreetLove for peace; Loving contentment
ShantsaihajOne in tranquillity
ShantsaroopEmbodiment of peace
SharanbirShelter of brave
SharandeepProtected lamp
SharanjeetkaurOne who attains the guru’s shelter; Refuge of the victor; Protected
SharanjitProtection by light
SharanjotFriendly shelter
SharanmeetProtected by the shelter of God
SharanpalLove for protection
SharanpreetLove for the Moon
SharndeepBlack beauty
ShashipreetFull of modesty
ShaymsundarRoyal Falcon
SherLion king
SherbahadurProtector of lion
SherpaulLove for babies
ShingaraFeet of Lord Shiva
ShishupreetGod, Lord Shiva
ShivcharanProtected by the God king
ShivcharanjitAn embodiment of Lord Shiva
ShivdenderA great warrior
ShivrajpalAn auspicious lamp
ShivroopGood fortune; Virtuous deeds
ShoorveerAuspicious Love
ShubhdeepGratitude; Prayers
ShubhkaramGratitude; Prayers
ShubpreetOne who has accomplished goal; Successful; A name of Lord Buddha; Achieved all wishes
ShukarVictorious; Sikander is also the Persian and Hindustani version of the name Alexander

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With Si

SiddharthGod’s favorite
SikanderLamp of remembrance
SikhalVictory in remembrance of God
SimarOne who lives with the remembrance of God
SimardeepOne who remembers God
SimarjeetLove for remembrance of God
SimarjeevVictorious in contemplation; Meditative in God; Remembrance; Prayer; To achieve; Translated upon interpretation
SimarnaamVictorious in contemplation; Meditative in God; Remembrance; Prayer; To achieve; Translated upon interpretation
SimranjeetProtected by remembrance
SimranjitLovingly remembering God; Love for meditation
SimrankaurLight of Lord’s remembrance
SimranpalVictory in remembrance of God
SimranpreetLove for remembrance of God
SimratpreetInspires Love
SinapThe supreme longing of beloved
SinghSupreme omniscient God
SiopareetSupreme selfless service
SiripritamContemplation of the supreme
SiriraamSupreme understanding
SirisimranVirtuous Love
SirivedyaFull of glories

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With Sn

SnatamBy thinking

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With So

SobhapreetBeautiful warrior
SobhawantBeautiful lamp
SochaiVictory of beauty
SohanbirProtector of beauty
SohandeepLove for beauty
SohanjitLord of beauty
SohanpalNot found
SohunLove for the Moon
SojalaBeautiful; Handsome
Solancreates a quiet, practical nature and a clever, studious, inventive mind.
SomanpreetThe Sun; Illuminating
SonhanAn auspicious lamp
SonpreetHappy songs
SoorajGood fortune; Virtuous deeds

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With Su

SubhdeepAuspicious protector
SubhgeetOf auspicious Love
SubhkaramOf auspicious Love
SubhpalPure goodness
SubhpreetWarrior of peace; Happy brave
SubhpremTrue lamp
SuchamPure deity
SuchbirExcellent and true
SuchdeepTrue Love
SuchdevTrue traditions
SuchiaarPure of heart; Mind; And soul
SuchpreetMine of nectar; Moon
SuchreetPure intellect
SuddhmanPure of heart; Mind; And soul
SudhakarOne with pure consciousness
SudhbudhElegant; Virtuous
SudhmanLamp; Region of elegance; Ease
SudhsuratIntelligent and brave
SugharLove for intelligence
SuhejdeepEmbodiment of intelligence
SujanbirBeauteous and wise
SujanpreetVery intelligent
SujanroopHonest; Intelligent; Virtuous; Respectable; Kind; Good
SujjanBlissful peace
SukhaPleasure; Bliss
SukhainHappy family
SukhamanGod who gives happiness; Peaceful God of heaven
SukhanandWarrior of peace; Champion of peace
SukhbansProtector of a warrior of peace
SukhbinderHappy Lord
SukhbirThe one who is peaceful and calm
SukhbirpalPeace attained through Guru’s Lotus feet
SukhbrinderThe delight of remembering God
SukhchainDelight of consciousness
SukhcharanViewing happiness
SukhcharanjitBlessed with happiness
SukhchetThe lamp of peace; Region or island of peace; Lamp of happiness
SukhchetanGod of happiness
SukhdarshanThe bliss of justice; Righteousness
SukhdayalThe lamp of peace; Region or island of peace; Lamp of happiness
SukhdeepPeace giving divine knowledge
SukhdevGod of happiness
SukhdharamGod of peace
SukhdipComplete happiness
SukhgiaanA peaceful person
SukhinderPeaceful life
SukhindirCalm and peaceful life
SukhitLord of happiness; Warrior of peace
SukhjeevEnjoying peace in union with Lord
SukhjeevanLight of peace
SukhjiwanAbsorbed in Joy of Love of God
SukhjodhAbsorbed in the Joy of Love of God
SukhjogOne whose mind is at peace; Peaceful heart mind; Soul
SukhjotTemple of peace
SukhleenOne who loves the peace of mind
SukhlivThe peace-giving friend; Friend who gives happiness
SukhmanPeaceful through God’s grace
SukhmandirLord of peace
SukhmanpreetBliss from naam
SukhmeetHappy children of God
SukhmeharTreasure of peace
SukhmohinderBlissful abode
SukhnamThe God of peace
SukhnandanProtector of peace
SukhnidhanLord of peace
SukhnivasA peaceful and joyful life
SukhpalLove for happiness
SukhpinderKing of peace
SukhpraanKing of peace and love
SukhpreetThe one in whom peace prevades
SukhpremColoured in the Love of Lord
SukhrajHaving the inner gem of peace
SukhrajpreetDelightful association with holy one
SukhramEmbodiment of peace
SukhrangPeace through the holy word
SukhratanThe one who is in bliss and peace
SukhsangatPeace in taking shelter of Guru
SukhsaroopWho creates happiness
SukhshabadOne whose life is joy of holiness
SukhshantWarrior of peace; Champion of peace
SukhsharanGod who gives happiness; Peaceful God of heaven
SukhsirjanWarrior of peace; Champion of peace
SukhteerathFull of happiness; Pleasant
SukhveerGod who gives happiness; Peaceful God of heaven
SukhvirVirtuous; Meritorious
SukhwantBrave and Happy
SulachhnaAll victorious, Who wins the power of God
SulakhanLight of happiness
SumanbirLove for flowers
SumandeepIntellectually brave
SumanjeetProtector of the gold mountain
SumanpreetPerfect one
SumatbitBeautiful; Handsome
SumerpaulAttractive and brave
SummatBeautiful lamp
SumpuranOne who attains to beauteousness
SundarLight of beauty
SundarbirBeauteous and brave
SundardeepLight of the Sun; Which gives light
SundarjeetVictory for beauty
SundarjotGood principles or prudent or righteous; Love; A kind-hearted person; Well-mannered; Sensible
SundarveerBeauty of Lord
SundeepLoving; Loved by everyone
SunderjeetLoving; Loved by everyone
SuneetThe Sun; Godly; Warrior; Brave; A musical note
SupinderIndra of a Music
SupreetVoice of Lord Indra
SupreethThe King of Gods; The chief of Gods
SurThe King of Gods
SurendarTriumph of God; Lord Krishna; One who is victorious over the god
SurenderTriumph of God; Lord Krishna; One who is victorious over the god
SurindarLight of the god
SurinderA friend of the godly people
SurinderjeetConqueror of the Suras; Victorious devotee
SurinderjitConqueror of the Suras; Victorious devotee
SurinderjotFight of God; Godly light
SurinderpalProtected by God
SurjanmeetMaster of God
SurjeetLove of God
SurjitLove of God
SurjotAll victorious
SurpalBeautiful smile; Good smile; Good smile, smiling.
SurpatVictory of beauty
SurpreetGood charactered Man
SurpremNoble words
SurvjitVictorious in competition
SushmeetaProtector of own rule
SushmjeetGold winner
SutantarSeen in a dream; Dreamy
SuvachanGold of God

Modern Sikh Baby Boy Names Starting With Sw

SwarajdeepLove for gold
SwarajpalEmbodiment of gold
SwaranjeetGold lamp
SwaranlalThe meaning of this name is very random but would mean that this person is successful in swimming

I know finding a modern Sikh baby names with s is very difficult task, but i hope these names will help you to find a cute sikh baby boy name for your loving child.

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