Sikh Boys Names Starting With ‘P’

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This is the Right Place to find Sikh Baby Boys Names Starting With P.

We understand, today all parents would like to choose a Modern, Cute and Unique Sikh Baby Name for their child. Out of thousands of Baby Names, choosing a perfect Baby Boy Name is not an easy task.

That is why we have created a new collection of Sikh Baby Boy Names. In this collection we have hand-picked Best Sikh Baby Boy Names which are Modern and Unique for newborn babies. 

Click on BELOW alphabets to view baby names for the select alphabet.

We trust below baby names list will help you to choose a proper name for your bundle of joy.

Bootstrap Example
Bootstrap Example
PaawanjeetThe victory of the pure
PadamdeepThousand billions; Of regions; Of Lotus petaled lamps
PadamjeetThe victory of the lotus
PadamjotLight of the lotus
PadampalProtector of the Lotus
PadampreetLove for the lotus
PadampremLove for the lotus
PalbinderMoments spent with Lord
PalwinderjeetThe victory of the moments spent with Lord
PalwinderjotLight of Lord's moments
PalwinderpalProtector of Lord's moments
PankajLotus flower; Another name for Brahma
PankajdeepLight of lotus
PankajeetEagle Garuda
PankajpreetLove of lotus
ParamaadharTaking the highest support
ParamajeetVictory of supreme
ParamarathA spiritual person
ParamatamSupreme soul
ParambirThe greatest warrior; The supreme hero
ParambodhGreatest gnostic
ParamdayaMost compassionate one
ParamdeepThe lamp of the divine
ParamdeshThe highest God
ParamdevA godly person
ParamdharamSuperior religion
ParamdheerHaving the greatest patience
ParamgatLiberation from all bonds
ParamgeetThe highest song of bliss
ParamhansSadguru (Holy teacher)
ParamhetOf supreme Love of God
ParaminderSupreme God of Heaven
ParamjaapMeditation of supreme God
ParamjasPraises of God
ParamjeetHighest success; Supremely victorious; The perfect winner; Ultimate victorious
ParamjeevanLiving the most exalted life
ParamjitHighest success; Supremely victorious; The perfect winner; Ultimate victorious
ParamjodhGreatest warrior
ParamjogOne uniting with the highest
ParamjotThe highest light; God's light; Flame of the supreme
ParamjugatUnion with God
ParamkamalSupreme lotus flower
ParamkeeratOne who sings God's glories
ParamnaamSupreme name
ParamnekHaving the highest virtue
ParamnidhanPossessing the highest treasure
ParamnihalHaving the supreme happiness
ParamniranjanMost immaculate one
ParamnirmalPurest one
ParamnivasA resident of the highest abode
ParampalHighest success; God; The caretaker
ParamprakashSupreme light
ParampreetOne who loves the Lord
ParampremSupreme Love
ParamrangImbued with the Love of Lord
ParamrasHighest elixir
ParamratanHighest gem
ParamroopSupremely beauteous
ParamsaihajSupreme bliss
ParamsangatCompany of the highest
ParamsevServing the highest
ParamsevakOne who serves the highest
ParamshaantHaving the highest peace
ParamtatKnowing the truth of spirit
ParamtekSupreme support
ParamthakarSupreme Lord
ParamveerThe greatest warrior; The supreme hero
ParamvicharReflecting on the Lord
ParamvirThe greatest warrior; The supreme hero
ParamwantHighly supreme
ParamyogSupreme union
ParbeenCapable; Skilful; Efficient
PargatOne who blossoms forth into fame
PargatjeetThe revelation of the victory
PargatjotThe revelation of the divine light
ParidarshanPanoramic view
ParmaadIntoxicated by Lord's Love
ParminderThe God
ParminderpalPreserver of supreme God
ParmitWisdom; Friend of the supreme
ParphullatHappy; Content
ParsanOne who is happy and delightful
ParsanjitDelighted victory
ParshotamBest person; a Great human being
PartapGlory; Vigour; Strength
PartapiMajestic; Courageous
ParwahSupremely wonderful
ParwanAcceptable; Full Moon
PasohraOf pishawar
PatveerThe respected brave one
PatwantRespectable; Honourable; Elite
PavandeepFirmament illuminated; Lamp of heavens
PavenpreetLover of wind; Air
PavitarA pure individual; Pure; Holy person
PavitpalProtector of the holy person
PawandeepFirmament illuminated; Lamp of heavens
PawanjeevLife in air
PawanjitVictory of air
PawanjotLight of air
PawanpreetLove of air
PawanveerBrave as air
PhakirAlt spelling Farid
PhulwantFull of flower fragrance
PiaarLove; Attachment
PooranbirPerfect and brave
PooranjitThe victory of the perfect
PooranjotPerfect light
PooranpreetPerfect Love; Complete love
PrabhaatamOne whose soul unites with God
PrabhadhaarLords support
PrabhanandOne who draws bliss from God
PrabhbirGod's brave warrior
PrabhbodhDivine knowledge
PrabhcharanTaking shelter in God's feet
PrabhcheetRemembering the Lord by heart; Absorbed in God
PrabhchetAbsorbed in God; Remembering the Lord by heart
PrabhchetanOne who is aware of God
PrabhchitRemembering the Lord by heart; Absorbed in God
PrabhdasSlave of God
PrabhdayaOne for whom God is merciful
PrabhdeepGod's light; Enlightened; God's dear one
PrabhdhanOne for whom Love of God is a wealth
PrabhdharamGod is the religion
PrabhdheerSteadfast in Love of God
PrabhdheerajOne who is patient for Love of God
PrabhdhianOne who contemplates on God
PrabhjasLords praises
PrabhjeetLove of God; God victorious; God's triumph
PrabhjeevanOne for whom remembrance of God is life
PrabhjitLove of God; God victorious; God's triumph
PrabhjodhGod's warrior
PrabhjogWorthy of God
PrabhjotGod's light
PrabhjoteLight of God
PrabhkamalFlower of God
PrabhkeeratLords praise; Dedication to God through honest and hard work
PrabhkiratLords praise; Dedication to God through honest and hard work
PrabhkirpalGod's grace
PrabhkirtanSinging God's praise
PrabhmeetFriend of God
PrabhmelUnion with God
PrabhnaamAbsorbed in the name of God
PrabhnamAbsorbed in the name of God
PrabhnoorThe light of God
PrabhparvaanOne who is accepted by God
PrabhpreetOne who loves God
PrabhramanOne absorbed in Love of God
PrabhrangOne who is coloured by Lord's Love
PrabhratanGem of God
PrabhroopRabb da Roop; With an appearance of God; Embodiment of God
PrabhrupRabb da Roop; With an appearance of God; Embodiment of God
PrabhsaihajAttaining tranquillity through God
PrabhsangatOne who loves being with God
PrabhsharanOne who takes the shelter of God
PrabhteerathOne for whom God is the holy place
PrabhvicharOne reflecting on God
PrabjotParmatama the jot
PrabsharanIn God's grace
PrafuldeepBlooming lamp
PrafuljeetBlooming victory
PrajitVictorious; Conquering; Defeating
PrakashdeepLight of lamp; Lighthouse
PrakashleenImbued in the light
PraneetHumble boy; Likeable; Sanctified; Modest; Leader
PrasharanbirBrave in the Lord's shelter
PrathipaalThe nurturer; The one who looks after the world
PreetamLover; Lovable
PreetambirBrave beloved
PreetamjeetThe victory of the beloved
PreetamjotOne who longs for the divine light; Light of the beloved
PreetkamalLove for the lotus
PreetmohanAttractive and lovable
PreetmohinderLovely and attractive Lord
PreetumLonging for beloved
PremBelonging to the family of holy ones
PrembansLoving devotion to God
PrembhagatThe lamp of Love
PremdeepOne who wins over others by love
PremjeetLoving being
PremjeevThe light of Love
PremjotOne whose abode is Love of God
PremnivaasGod; The loving caretaker
PrempalAbsorbed in the Love of God
PremramanColoured in the Love of God
PremrangImbued in the Lord's Love
PremrasEmbodiment of Love
PremroopLover of holy company
PremsangatAttaining peace through Lord's love
PremsukhSupport of Love of God
PremtekHaving highest Love for God
PremuttamPyar ko pasand karne wala
PremveerFull of Love
PritamLonging for beloved God
PritamhariThe victory of the beloved
PritamjitOne who longs for the divine light; Light of the beloved
PritamjotProtector of the beloved
PritampalBeloved cherisher; Protector
PrithamdeepLord of the earth
PrithipalBeloved cherisher; Protector
PrithvinderGod; The loving caretaker; Earth; Pledge keeper; Beloved cherisher; Protector
PrithvipalVictory in the full-moon night
PritpalPure or holy
PunamjeetSacred Lord
PuneetFosterer of purity
PuneetinderLords Love
PuneetpalVictory with Lord's Love
PupinderLord Shiva; Conqueror of city Purumitra
PupinderjeetLord Indra; Fortress destroyer; Name of Indra; An epithet of Shiva, Krishna, Agni and Vishnu
PurajitComplete knowledge
PurandarPerfect victory
PurangianPerfect light
PuranjeetPerfect Love; Complete love
PuranjotComplete Love
PuranpreetComplete support
PuranpremVictory with the God
PurantekGod of flower
PurbhjeetLove for flowers

Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent. It requires a lot of time. This popular collection of Sikh Baby Boy Names will help you to find a perfect name for your newborn! This names list contains cute, modern, unique and beautiful names for Boy and Girl child. We trust, you will find a perfect name from this list.