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This is the Right Place to find Hindu Baby Boys Names Starting With V.
We understand, today all parents would like to choose a Modern, Cute and Unique Hindu Baby Name for their child. Out of thousands of Baby Names, choosing a perfect Baby Boy Name is not an easy task.
That is why we have created a new collection of Hindu Baby Boy Names. In this collection we have hand-picked Best Hindu Baby Boy Names which are Modern and Unique for newborn babies.
Click on BELOW alphabets to view baby names for the select alphabet.
We trust below baby names list will help you to choose a proper name for your bundle of joy.
Names | Meaning |
Vaachaspati | Lord of speech |
Vaageesh | Lord of speech |
Vaakpati | Great orator |
Vaalmeeki | An ancient saint |
Vaaman | Name of vishnu |
Vaamdev | Name of a shiva |
Vaanee | Speech |
Vaarshaney | Lord vishnu |
Vaarush | One who is destined to win |
Vaasavadatta | A name in sanskrit classics |
Vaasu | One who provides shelter;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaasudeva | A divine light; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaasuki | A celestial cobra |
Vaatsyaayan | An author of old times |
Vaayu | Wind |
Vachan | Speech |
Vachanpreet | One who holds onto promises; A true and noble being |
Vachaspati | Lord of speech |
Vachasya | One who is a good orator |
Vadamalaiyan | One who destroys evil; Another name of Lord Hanuman |
Vadin | Well known lecturer |
Vadish | Lord of the body |
Vadivel | A holy and precious one; One of the names of Lord Murugan. |
Vagindra | Lord of speech |
Vagish | God of speech ( lord brahma) |
Vagishan | Lord of the mountains; Another name Of Lord Shiva |
Vahin | Lord shiva |
Vaibhav | Prosperity |
Vaibudh | One who is like divine; Belonging to the Gods |
Vaidyanaath | Master of medicines, |
Vaijayi | Victor |
Vaijeenath | King of life and death; Another name of Lord Siva |
Vaijnath | Lord shiva |
Vaikartan | Name of karna |
Vaikhan | Lord vishnu |
Vaikundanathan | A mighty conqueror |
Vaikundavasan | One who is crowned leader ;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaikunth | Heaven |
Vaikunth-nath | Master of heavens |
Vainavin | Lord shiva |
Vairaj | Spiritual glory |
Vairaja | Son of virat |
Vairamani | One who is the ruler of destiny; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vairat | Gem |
Vairinchya | Lord brahma's son |
Vairochan | An ancient name |
Vaisaka | A season |
Vaisakh | |
Vaishant | Quiet and shining star |
Vaishnav | The devotee of lord vishnu |
Vaishvanar | One who is boundless and ubiquitous |
Vaishwaanar | Omnipresent |
Vaishwanar | One who is boundless and ubiquitous |
Vaitheeswaran | Lord of the universe; Another name of Lord Brahma |
Vaithi | Source of all avatars; origin of earth; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaiwaswat | One of the saints |
Vaj | Born with supreme strength |
Vajasani | Lord vishnu's son |
Vajendra | Lord indra |
Vajraang | Diamond bodied |
Vajrabaahu | One with strong arms |
Vajrabha | One who glitters like diamond |
Vajradhar | Lord indra |
Vajrahast | Lord shiva |
Vajrajit | Lord indra |
Vajrakaya | Sturdy like metal, lord hanuman |
Vajraksha | |
Vajramani | Diamond |
Vajranandha | One who is loveable ;Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vajranath | One who is the Lord of the clouds; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajrapaani | Holder of rocks |
Vajrapani | Another name of Lord Indra;King of the highest heaven |
Vajrapathi | One who is the king of kings; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajrashri | One who shines like diamond |
Vajratik | An excellent being; like a diamond |
Vajratulya | One who is like a diamond; an angel |
Vajrendra | Muscular and well-built; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajresh | One who is limitless; Another name of Lord Krishna or Lord Indra |
Vajreswar | A mighty conquerer; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajri | Strong armed; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajrin | Lord indra |
Vak | A precious gift;like a diamond |
Vakrabhuj | Lord ganesh |
Vakratund | An epithet of ganesha |
Vakruthi | One who is good natured; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaksharaj | King of the universe; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vaktrendru | A bright-faced; shining light |
Vakul | One who is wise; Another name of Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva |
Valaak | A crane |
Valasak | Stunning; good-looking |
Valgu | Attractive and good-looking |
Vallabh | Beloved |
Vallavan | A strong and mighty warrior |
Vallinathan | One who provides guidance; Another name of Lord Muruga |
Valluvan | One who excels in everything |
Valmiki | Saint who wrote ramayan |
Vam | An extraordinary and inspiring being |
Vama | Lord shiva |
Vamadatt | Blessing of Lord Shiva |
Vamadev | Lord shiva |
Vaman | The name means 'short, dwarf' in Sanskrit. |
Vamaneshwar | God of the Sky; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vamshi | |
Vamsi | |
Vamsi Krishna | |
Vamsidhar | Lord krishna |
Vamsikrishna | |
Van-raaj | Ruler of the foreset, the lion |
Vanabihari | Lord krishna |
Vanad | Cloud |
Vanadev | Lord of the forest |
Vanajit | Lord of the forest |
Vanamalin | Lord krishna |
Vance | Praiseworthy and kind |
Vanchinathan | |
Vandan | Adoration |
Vanhi | Fire |
Vanij | Lord shiva |
Vaninadh | Husband of saraswati |
Vaninath | Husband of saraswati |
Vanmaalee | An epithet of krishna |
Vansh | Coming generation of father |
Vansheedhar | Flute player |
Vanshya | |
Vansidhar | Lord krishna |
Vara | Gods gift |
Varaah | An epithet of vishnu |
Varaahamihir | An ancient astronomer |
Varad | God of fire |
Varadaraaj | Another name of vishnu |
Varadarajan | |
Varadraj | Lord vishnu |
Varana | Holy river |
Varaprasad | |
Vardham | One who is kind; Another name Of Lord Mahavir and Buddha. |
Vardhaman | Lord mahavir |
Vardhan | Lord shiva |
Varen | Superior |
Varendra | Ocean |
Varesh | Lord shiva |
Vareshvar | Lord shiva |
Varid | Cloud |
Varidhvaran | Colour of the cloud |
Varij | Lotus |
Varin | Gifts |
Varindra | Lord of all |
Varish | Lord vishnu |
Varisth | One who excels in everything |
Varisu | One who excels |
Variya | Excellent one |
Variyas | Lord shiva |
Varki | Ubiquitious; Lord of the universe |
Varman | One who is the leader;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Varshesh | Another name of Lord Indra;One who rains blessings |
Varshit | |
Varshwar | Grantor of all wishes; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vartanu | Beautiful |
Varthaman | One who lives in the present; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Varun | God of waters |
Varunesh | Lord of water |
Varuta | A guardian angel |
Vasant | Spring |
Vasantamaalika | Garland of spring |
Vasanth | |
Vasav | An epithet of indra |
Vasava | Refers to indra |
Vasavaj | Son of indra |
Vasavi | Son of indra |
Vasdev | God of entire being; The name was also given to the father Of Lord Krishna. |
Vaseekaran | A nice-looking individual |
Vashanth | A new bright beginning |
Vashiq | One who is superior |
Vashisht | One who is the master of all creation;distinguished |
Vasisht | Maharshi |
Vasistha | Name of a sage |
Vasu | An ancient king |
Vasudev | God of the universe |
Vasudevan | |
Vasuki | A famous snake in hindu mythology |
Vasuman | Born of fire |
Vasumat | Lord krishna |
Vasumitr | An ancient name |
Vasupati | Rich man |
Vasur | Precious |
Vasuroop | Lord shiva |
Vasusen | Original name of karna |
Vatatmaj | Lord hanuman |
Vatradhara | Practising penance, lord rama |
Vatsa | Son |
Vatsal | Affectionate |
Vatsapal | Lord krishna |
Vatsar | A year |
Vatsin | Lord vishnu |
Vaydeesh | God of the vedas |
Vayu | Lord hanuman |
Vayujat | Lord hanuman |
Vayun | Lively |
Vayunand | Lord hanuman |
Vayya | Friend |
Vea | Chief |
Ved | Knowledge |
Ved-vyaas | Name of a saint |
Vedakumbh | Lord Of The Vedas |
Vedamohan | Lord krishna |
Vedang | From the vedas |
Vedanga | Meaning of vedas |
Vedant | Ultimate Wisdom; one who is blessed with vedic knowledge |
Vedanth | One who knows vedas in depth |
Vedaprakash | Light of the knowledge |
Vedati | One who spreads knowledge; Another name of Goddess Parvati |
Vedatman | Lord vishnu |
Vedatmane | Spirit of the vedas |
Vedavrata | Vow of the vedas |
Vedavyasa | Vedic saint; wisdom of Vedas |
Vedbhushan | One adorned with knowledge of the vedas |
Vedesh | Lord of vedas |
Vedeshwar | Wisdom of the Vedas |
Vedhapani | One who is the Lord of the universe; Another name of Brahma |
Vedhish | One who knows all; Another name of Lord Brahma |
Vedmohan | Lord krishna |
Vedoday | Bright like the sun |
Vedomohan | Happiness; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vedprakash | Light of the vedas |
Vedraj | Lord Of All Vedas |
Vedswarup | Form of knowledge |
Veekshan | One who is full of wisdom |
Veekshith | |
Veenod | Disciplined and respectful |
Veer | Brave |
Veeraganapati | Supreme power; Another name of Lord Ganesh |
Veeral | Unparalleled and precious |
Veeramani | |
Veeran | Valiant and fearless |
Veeranjaneyulu | |
Veerapandi | Valiant and fearless |
Veerappan | Valiant and fearless |
Veerasamy | |
Veerbhadra | The ashwamedha horse |
Veerender | |
Veerendra | Lord of courageous men |
Veeresh | Brave and courageous; leader of the warriors |
Veerjot | Macho and fearless |
Veernish | Daring and courageous |
Veerottam | Supreme amongst braves. |
Veeru | A brave person Character |
Vegh | Muscular and robust |
Veha | One who has no limits |
Vehzat | Blessed birth |
Velan | Lord shiva's son |
Velappan | |
Velmurugan | |
Velraj | One who is supreme |
Velu | Short for Velayudhan, another name of Lord Murugan |
Veluchami | Provider; Another name of Lord Muruga |
Veluppillai | Another name of Lord Muruga's son |
Velusamy | Wise; Another name of Lord Murugan |
Vemana | A wise man; saint |
Ven | Kind-hearted and caring; Another name of Lord Venkateshwara |
Venavin | Divine grace; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Venavir | Lord shiva's son |
Vendhan | One who is the Leading light |
Vendhu | The leading light of the world |
Vendra | One who is powerful |
Vengai | Valiant and strong |
Veni | Lord krishna |
Venimadhav | Lord krishna |
Venkadan | Provider of blessings |
Venkat | Lord vishnu; lord krishna |
Venkata | A generous soul; Another name of Lord Venkateswara |
Venkata Rao | |
Venkatachalam | |
Venkatadri | One who is kind; Another name of Lord Venkateswara |
Venkatakrishna | Blessed Lord |
Venkataraman | |
Venkataramana | |
Venkataramananandan | A name for lord vishnu |
Venkatasudeer | Like a King; Another name of Lord Venkateswara |
Venkatesan | Anointed one; Another name of Lord Venkatesha and Lord Krishna. |
Venkatesh | Name of god vishnu |
Venkatesha | Anointed one; Another name of Lord venkateswara |
Venkatesham | |
Venkateshan | |
Venkateshwarlu | |
Venkateswara | Name of lord venkateswara |
Venkatraman | |
Venki | Lord of the universe |
Venkitusamy | Lord of all souls; Another name of Lord Vekateshwara |
Venktesh | Wisdom of the Lord of the universe |
Venu | Flute |
Venugopal | |
Venugopalan | |
Venumadhav | |
Vetrivel | |
Veydant | Sum of the vedas |
Viaan | The name means ‘full of life and energy’. |
Viamrsh | Lord shiva |
Vibhaakar | The moon |
Vibhaavasu | The sun |
Vibhas | Decoration; light |
Vibhat | Dawn |
Vibhavasu | The sun, fire |
Vibhishan | A character from ramayana |
Vibhor | Ecstatic |
Vibhu | The name means “great, strong, solid and excellent” in Sanskrit. |
Vibhumat | Lord krishna |
Vibhusnu | Lord shiva |
Vibhut | Strong |
Vibin | |
Vibodh | Wise |
Vibol | One who has great wisdom |
Vichear | One who had wisdom |
Vidarbh | Ancient name of a state |
Videh | Without form |
Vidhatru | Lord shiva |
Vidhesh | Lord shiva |
Vidhu | Lord vishnu |
Vidhyadeep | A wise man; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vidhyadhar | Full of knowledge |
Vidip | Bright |
Vidipt | A bright-faced angel |
Vidit | |
Vidojas | Lord indra |
Vidur | Skilful |
Viduraj | Enlightened and clever being |
Vidush | Clever and full of wisdom |
Vidvan | Scholar |
Vidvatam | Lord shiva |
Vidvatar | Sage and clever being |
Vidvath | One who is highly intellectual |
Vidwan | One who has great insight and wisdom |
Vidwans | One who is highly intellectual |
Vidyaaranya | Forest of learning |
Vidyacharan | Learned |
Vidyadhar | Learned |
Vidyakar | Born wise; full of wisdom |
Vidyaranya | Forest of knowledge |
Vidyasagar | Ocean of learning |
Vidyot | A flash of light |
Vidyut | Brilliant; lightening |
Vighnahara | Protector of the universe; Another name of Lord Ganesha |
Vighnajit | Lord ganesh |
Vighnaraaj | An epithet of ganesha |
Vighnarajendra | One who destroys all evils; |
Vighnesh | Lord ganesh |
Vighneshwar | Lord of supreme knowledge |
Vignesh | |
Vigneshwara | One who reigns |
Vigneshwaran | |
Vigrah | Lord shiva |
Vihaan | Morning; dawn |
Vihang | A bird |
Vihanga | Bird |
Vihar | One who is infinite;Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vihari | Lord krishna |
Vijay | Means victory |
Vijayam | To succeed; Triumph |
Vijayan | |
Vijayanand | |
Vijayank | Sign of victory |
Vijayant | Victor |
Vijayaragavan | |
Vijayaraj | Success;Win;Triumph |
Vijayarathna | Significant among victorious |
Vijayasaradhi | One who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vijayendra | God of victory |
Vijayesh | Lord shiva |
Vijayin | A mighty conqueror |
Vijayketu | Flag of victory |
Vijaykrishna | |
Vijeesh | One who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vijendra | Victorious |
Vijendran | Blessed with success |
Vijesh | |
Vijeta | Victorious |
Viji | |
Vijigeesh | Desire of victory |
Vijil | |
Vijith | |
Vijna | Knowledgeable and enlightened being |
Vijul | A silk-cotton tree |
Vijval | Intelligent |
Vikaas | Progress |
Vikarnan | Son of dhritrashtra |
Vikas | Development |
Vikasa | A bright and glittering soul |
Vikash | Development |
Vikasith | To prosper or to succeed |
Vikat | Of the monstrous figure. lord ganesha |
Viken | One who conquers and excels in everything |
Vikern | Errorless |
Vikesh | The moon |
Vikram | Valour |
Vikramaditya | A famous king |
Vikramajit | A famous king |
Vikramendra | King of prowess |
Vikramin | Lord vishnu |
Vikramjeet | One who is brave and victorious |
Vikrant | A warrior;One who is all powerful |
Vikranth | |
Viksar | Lord vishnu |
Vikshar | One who progress at the speed of light; Alternate name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna |
Viksit | To blossom and to flourish |
Vikunth | Lord vishnu |
Vikyaath | Famous |
Vilaas | Entertainment |
Vilakshn | Supreme leader; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vilas | Coolness |
Vilasin | Shining , beaming , radiant |
Vilkesh | |
Villavan | Valiant and fearless |
Vilochan | The eye |
Vilohit | Lord shiva |
Vilok | To see |
Viloka | One who is kind; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vilokan | Gaze |
Vimahat | Powerful and exceptional being |
Vimal | Pure |
Vimaladitya | Clean sun |
Vimalanathan | Pure and clean being; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vimalmani | Pure jewel (crystal) |
Vimochan | Pure; Provider of all blessings; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vimridh | Lord indra |
Vimukhti | Vimukhti means emancipation. |
Vinaayak | Remover of obstacles |
Vinahast | Lord shiva |
Vinamr | Humble |
Vinand | Exuberant spirit; Delight and happiness |
Vinay | Modesty |
Vinayagam | Blessed soul; Another name of Lord Ganesh |
Vinayak | Lord ganesh |
Vinayaka | Anointed one; Destroyer of all evils; Another name of Lord Ganesha |
Vinayan | |
Vinaybeer | One who is brave and modest |
Vinduman | One who has great intellect |
Vineesh | |
Vineet | Unassuming |
Vineeth | |
Vinesh | Godly |
Vinetra | One who is the leading light |
Vinil | Blue |
Viniray | Champion; One who is triumphant |
Vinish | |
Vinishchal | Strong and fearless |
Vinit | |
Vinnu | A high spirited soul |
Vinochan | Lord shiva |
Vinod | Pleasing |
Vinodh | |
Vinodkumar | |
Vinoj | |
Vinoo | To spread in different directions |
Vinoth | |
Vinsanda | One who is joyful and full of life |
Vinu | |
Vipan | Sail, petty trade |
Vipaschit | Lord buddha |
Vipashchit | Lord of the universe; Another name of Lord Buddha and Lord Vishnu |
Vipin | Forest grove |
Vipinbehari | Forest wanderer |
Viplab | Floating ; revolution |
Viplav | Revolution |
Vipra | A priest |
Vipreet | Different |
Vipul | Extensive |
Vir | Brave |
Viraaj | To shine |
Viraat | Giant |
Virabhadra | Lord shiva |
Viraj | Splendour and royalty |
Viraja | The name is of Sanskrit origin meaning 'ruling, sovereign'. |
Virajesh | Muscular and tough; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Viral | Rare |
Viranath | Lord of the brave |
Viranchi | Name of brahmaa |
Virasana | |
Virat | Supreme being |
Virata | Bravery |
Viravrat | A mighty warrior |
Virbhanu | Very strong |
Virender | |
Virendra | Brave lord |
Viresh | Brave lord |
Vireshvar | Lord shiva |
Virikvas | Lord indra |
Virinch | Light to the path; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Virinchi | Brahma |
Virocana | Shining like a star |
Virochan | The sun |
Virok | A divine blessing; one who illuminates life |
Virudh | Opposition. |
Virun | The name is derived from Sanskrit, meaning 'Son of Lord Krishna'.Another meaning is 'beautiful' |
Virurch | The holy trinity |
Virya | One who has great Valour and strength; a warrior |
Viryavat | One who is courageous and passionate |
Visaish | |
Visakh | |
Visamaksh | Lord shiva |
Visesha | A precious gift |
Viseth | One who excels in everything |
Vishaal | Broad |
Vishaalaaksh | Large eyed |
Vishadh | One who has great moral or ethics |
Vishagan | Holy and Pure;Another name of Lord Muruga and Lord Vishnu |
Vishak | |
Vishakan | One whose boundary is endless; Another name of Lord Murugan, Lord Shiva. |
Vishakh | Lord shiva |
Vishal | Huge |
Vishalaksh | Lord shiva |
Vishaljot | One who is like a shining star |
Vishalpreet | One who is blessed with a pure heart |
Vishalya | Painless |
Vishamaksh | Anointed one; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vishantak | Lord shiva |
Vishanth | Divine grace; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishatan | Lord vishnu |
Vishesh | Special |
Vishikh | Arrow |
Vishmati | |
Vishnahpu | Lord vishnu |
Vishnu | The name comes from Sanskrit and means 'all-pervasive'. |
Vishnu Prasad | |
Vishnu Vardhan | One who gives and honours; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishnudas | |
Vishnudev | God |
Vishnudutt | Gift of lord vishnu |
Vishnuraman | One who is the provider of blessings; Another name of Lord Ram |
Vishnurat | Blessing of the Lord Vishnu |
Vishnuvardhan | |
Vishodhan | Lord vishnu |
Vishokha | One who is as powerful as the God |
Vishram | Rest |
Vishravas | A wise and clever thinker |
Vishresh | The holy trinity |
Vishrut | Vishnu |
Vishruth | |
Vishtap | One who excels in everything; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishtasp | |
Vishti | A wise and clever thinker |
Vishudhir | One who is righteous |
Vishv | Universe |
Vishva | Earth, universe |
Vishvadev | Lord of the universe |
Vishvadhar | Lord vishnu |
Vishvag | Lord brahma |
Vishvahetu | Lord vishnu |
Vishvajit | Conqueror of the world |
Vishvakarma | Architect of the universe, son of yogasiddha |
Vishvaketu | An epithet of aniruddh |
Vishvaksen | One who conquers the world; Alternate name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishvam | Universal |
Vishvamitra | A sage |
Vishvanaath | Lord of the universe |
Vishvanabh | Lord vishnu |
Vishvanath | Lord of the universe |
Vishvaretas | Lord brahma; vishnu |
Vishvas | Faith |
Vishvatma | Universal soul |
Vishvesh | Lord of the world |
Vishwaamitra | Friend of the world |
Vishwaas | Faith |
Vishwajeet | Conquerer of the world |
Vishwakarma | Architect of the universe |
Vishwambhar | The supreme spirit |
Vishwamitra | Friend of the universe |
Vishwamurti | An entity or form of the entire universe |
Vishwanath | The name comes from Sanskrit origin meaning 'Lord of the universe'. |
Vishwanatha | |
Vishwankar | Creator of the universe |
Vishwaroop | Omnipresent |
Vishwas | Faith , trust |
Vishwatma | Universal soul |
Vishweshwar | Lord of the universe |
Visisht | One who is exceptionally good; A Shining light |
Viskheet | |
Vismay | Surprise |
Visna | One who has a great destiny |
Visu | Name of lord shiva |
Visvajit | One who conquers the universe |
Visvambhar | One who guides through divine light; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Visvayu | Brother of amavasuand satayu |
Viswa | |
Viswaksen | One who is the king of the universe; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Viswanath | |
Viswanathan | |
Viswas | Trust |
Visweswara | One who is highly exalted; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vitabhay | Lord shiva; lord vishnu |
Vitaharya | Lord krishna |
Vitashokha | One who does not mourn |
Vitasta | River jhelum in sanskrit |
Vithala | Lord vishnu |
Vithun | One who is vivid and vibrant;Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vitola | Peaceful |
Vittal | One who is immovable and committed; Another name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna |
Vittala | One who is immovable;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vittaleshwar | One who is strong and immovable; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vittanath | Owner of money ( kuber ) |
Vittesh | Lord of wealth |
Vitthal | Lord vishnu |
Vivaan | Lord krishna |
Vivash | Bright |
Vivaswat | The sun |
Vivatma | Universal soul |
Vivek | Conscience |
Vivekanand | |
Vivekananda | Joy of discrimination |
Vivekanandhan | |
Viven | One who is blessed with great insight; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vivikvas | Full of wisdom; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vizivit | The sun |
Vrajakishore | Lord krishna |
Vrajalal | Lord krishna |
Vrajamohan | Lord krishna |
Vrajanadan | Lord krishna |
Vrajesh | Lord krishna |
Vrajkishore | Lord krishna |
Vrajlal | One who is charming and adorable; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vrajmohan | Lord krishna |
Vrajraj | Lord krishna |
Vratesh | Lord shiva |
Vrisa | Lord krishna |
Vrisag | Lord shiva |
Vrisan | Lord shiva |
Vrisangan | Lord shiva |
Vrisapati | Lord shiva |
Vrishab | Excellent |
Vrishabh | |
Vrishabhaanu | Father of radha |
Vrishank | Lord shiva |
Vrishin | Peacock |
Vrisini | Lord shiva |
Vritansh | |
Vrushal | One who is highly exalted |
Vrushank | Destroyer of evil; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vyan | Air |
Vyas | The ancient name is of Sanskrit origin meaning 'wise sage'. |
Vyasa | The author of mahabharata |
Vyom | Sky |
Vyomaang | Part of the sky |
Vyomakesh | Sky like hair |
Vyoman | Sky |
Vyomdev | Lord shiva |
Vyomesh | The sun |
Vysakh | |
Vyshnav |
Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent. It requires a lot of time. This popular collection of Hindu Baby Boy Names will help you to find the perfect name for your newborn! This names list contains cute, modern, unique and beautiful names for Boys and Girl children. We trust you will find a perfect name from this list.